Finding Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz and Tourmaline at Hogg Mine

My husband and I love spending time in nature. It’s a tradition that we started back when we were dating. I’m so happy that we’ve continued the tradition with a new hobby, gem mining!

Yes, gem mining. It may not be what you think. So far, in the southeast, we’ve been able to mine for gemstones without putting on a hard hat or tunneling for miles underground. Many of our regional gem mines are made up of trenches about 30 feet deep. The public pays a flat rate. Patrons can then dig into the walls of the trenches and the mounds of dirt above them and see what we find.

Hogg Mine near LaGrange, GA was our first mining adventure. It’s a great place to mine for rose quartz, smokey quartz, and tourmaline in Georgia. We found all 3! Check out our video! And don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel for fun in the great outdoors.

I enjoy crystals for their aesthetic qualities. I am also learning more about how people use crystals in frequency therapies. Though those modalities, some people refer to them as healing crystals, which I think is is very interesting. I must admit, I’ve got a lot more to learn before I write on their healing properties. But I do enjoy their beauty, variety, and enjoying a piece of nature when I have to practice yoga and mediation indoors.

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